For those unfamiliar with Open Building, please visit this link which will give you a background to the concept: http://uj-unit2.co.za/open-building-versus-architecture-or-open-building-as-architecture/
Open Building and Appropriate Technology have many overlaps in terms of the following:
* Democratising the building process – involving many in the design and implementation process
* Building as a social process and how the built environment is based on social structures and relationships
* The development of small construction enterprises and skills transfer in the construction process
* Open Building as a tool to manage complexity in Built Environment Ecosystems
Please join us on Tuesday 24th November 2020 9am – 11am South African Time
We will be hosting several speakers well-known in the field. This will be an interactive session. Registration for the conference is free at http://architectureandagency.co.za/workshop-registration/; Questions may be directed to osmanaos@tut.ac.za
Workshop coordinators: Prof Amira Osman (Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa) and Prof Jia Beisi (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Joint Coordinators of CIB W104 Open Building Implementation